quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2015


Coraline is a young woman who loves weird curly objects. She's intrigued by animals that live in the dark and loves her black cat. Despite all her curiosity for the shadows there's a tiny light on the smile that she always carries around. Her room is tidy and organised. The vinyl player rests on a small table at the corner of the room. At the age of fifteen she drew on the wall the contours of  the shadows created by the tree in front of her window and the sunset. Every answer that you'll get from her will be a bigger mystery than your question. She loves the moon and has her own names for the stars. All the animals living near her house have a name and she tries to watch them as much as she can. Her love for nature is only surpassed by her feeling when she stares at the sky at night. She dreams, and for a while, she is free.

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